Scalable Licensing in vRealize Operations : Licenses, Metering, and Reporting : 5.2 Manual Metering with vRealize Operations Reports
5.2 Manual Metering with vRealize Operations Reports
5.2.1 Metering Configuration
Metering requires the use of super metrics and a report to perform the necessary calculations. The steps in this section show how to import preconfigured super metrics and reports to automate metering and reporting.
Figure 10. Super Metric Import and Object Type Association
1. Import the attached super metrics. See Appendix A: Super Metric Definitions for additional details.

2. Set the Object Type for each super metric as shown in the following table.
Table 4. Super Metric Object Type Associations
Super Metric
Adapter Type
Object Type
VCPP EPOps Agent in VM Count
EP Ops Adapter
EP Ops Agent
VCPP EPOps Agent Count
EP Ops Adapter
Operating Systems World
VCPP EPOps Agent Physical Count
EP Ops Adapter
Operating Systems World
VCPP Monitored OSI Count
vCenter Server
VCPP Monitored VM Count
vCenter Server
3. Enable super metrics in the policy editor for highlighted object types as shown in the following figure.
Figure 11. Enable Super Metrics in Policy Editor
4. Navigate to Dashboards / Reports.
5. Import the attached reports.
Figure 12. Import Reports