Scalable Licensing in vRealize Operations : Appendix A: Super Metric Definitions
Appendix A: Super Metric Definitions
Table 6. Super Metric Definitions
Super Metric
VCPP EPOps Agent in VM Count
Identified when an EPOps Agent is a descendant of a VM
count(${adaptertype=VMWARE, objecttype=VirtualMachine, metric=badge|health, depth=-2})
VCPP EPOps Agent Count
Counts the number of EPOps Agent objects
count(${adaptertype=EP Ops Adapter, objecttype=EP Ops Agent, metric=AVAILABILITY|ResourceAvailability, depth=100})
VCPP EPOps Agent Physical Count
The difference between the total number of EPOps Agents and the number of VMs with EPOps Agents installed
${this, metric=Super Metric|sm_70c1ae5d-1fdf-49d6-9e50-94878931ab57} - sum(${adaptertype=EP Ops Adapter, objecttype=EP Ops Agent, metric=Super Metric|sm_390c24b2-154e-455e-be78-799bfb8607fa, depth=100})
VCPP Monitored OSI Count
If vCenter Server has monitored VMs, OSI = number of VMs monitored
If vCenter has no monitored VMs, OSI = number of ESXi hosts
(${this, metric=Super Metric|sm_8a7bd06e-ae7a-4b8a-83d8-691be8976eb5} > 0) ? (${this, metric=Super Metric|sm_8a7bd06e-ae7a-4b8a-83d8-691be8976eb5}) : (${this, metric=summary|total_number_hosts})
VCPP Monitored VM Count
Number of descendant VM Object for each vCenter Server instance
count(${adaptertype=VMWARE, objecttype=VirtualMachine, metric=summary|poweredOff, depth=100, where="==0"})