Migration Strategies for Hybrid Cloud : Migration Conceptual Architecture
Migration Conceptual Architecture
The stages of the migration journey begin with an alignment of the four types of tools shown in the following figure. While each of these four types of tools might be required to complete a migration, the degree of support for each might vary for each set of requirements. Deployment of the tools might occur on a per-tenant basis, might be self-service, or might be operated by an ecosystem of participants, including third parties such as system integrators. There are a number of criteria that must be streamlined across architecture to operations, as choices made in either area may impact choices in the other. Adding traditional service provider capabilities, such as infrastructure and network provisioning, capacity monitoring of these dependencies and the overall timing for all of this to take place, it becomes evident that detailed planning must be undertaken. The level of detail has several variables that this document attempts to illustrate, and in many cases, it is a matter of where to perform which tasks for which there is no “right” answer.
Figure 3. Migration Functional Categories