Extending vCloud API with vCloud Extensibility Framework : Extension Example : 3.2 Handling Extension AMQP Messages : 3.2.1 Basic Example
3.2.1 Basic Example
This example generically handles a request and responds back using Python. The following is an example of the code used. Refer to the source code on GitHub to make sure you have the most current version of the code.
On a server that can connect to the RabbitMQ instance, run the basic_receive.py program script (https://github.com/johnnycuse/vcd-api-examples/blob/master/ticketing/basic_receive.py).
A call is then made against the new API ticketing endpoint:
# http --verify no --session=vcloud-gcp-admin --pretty colors GET https://vcd.gcp.local/api/org/<ORG_UUID>/ticketing
The call and response is similar to the following:
The following output from basic_receive.py indicates that the message has been properly handled: