Architecting Multisite vCloud Director : User Access to a Multisite vCloud Director UI : 4.2 Switching Between Associated Sites
4.2 Switching Between Associated Sites
When a user logs into an organization at a site to which they have access, their credentials are checked against the identity management source configured for their account. In vCloud Director v9.0, if the organization they log into is associated with others, the UI will render the Sites icon to allow them to switch to other sites with which their organization has existing associations. When the user switches sites, their browser session is redirected to the chosen site without the need to re-authenticate the new session. The sequence of a successful login to Site “A” followed by a switch to Site “B” is shown in the following figures.
Figure 20. Logging in to an Associated Organization
After the user has successfully logged in to Site “A” they can use the Sites menu to switch to another site.
Figure 21. Switching to a Remote Organization at an Associated Site
When the user selects a remote organization/site from the Sites menu, their browser session is redirected to the remote vCloud Director instance. The new session is preauthenticated using credentials retrieved from the target site over the organization association.
Note In the current version, login validation to the other member organizations does not remove sites from the drop-down list in the UI for locations where the user does not have authorized access. This means that the user can “switch” to the inaccessible sites, but doing so will leave the browser session at the Logout page for the newly selected site. Attempting to log back in will fail until the user establishes a new connection to a site to which they do have access.