Migration Strategies for Hybrid Cloud : Conclusion
The subject area of migration to the cloud is vast. Throughout the history of information technology, parties that migrated to new platforms in haste, without gaining a true understanding of how that new platform could actually change the life of their applications for the better, often never received the value those platforms promised. Cloud is no different.
This document has described several ways to leverage VMware tools to embark on that migration journey. Planning a Center of Excellence around those and other VMware Technology Partner tools is the first step in making sure everything has been addressed when asking our customers to start that journey. Make sure every customer and their corresponding application profiles has a “tailor made” plan for migrating to the cloud. This plan includes all of the hybridity features and control offered by the VMware SDDC running in the VMware Cloud Provider environments so they are free to run applications, or portions thereof, where it makes the most sense, even as that changes with time.
Looking at the market trends and opportunities, the potential to capitalize on the hybrid version of cloud rests in the balance of VMware delivering adequate migration services for customers. These services are not simply a way to get customers bits and bytes to run on our clouds. They offer a superior experience in the manageability, security, and value-add to IT operations. Getting migration right, every time, unlocks the true potential of hybrid cloud for all stakeholders involved.