vCenter Server Cloud Provider Use Cases and Architectures : Design Considerations for vRealize Operations and vRealize Log Insight
Design Considerations for vRealize Operations and vRealize Log Insight
Two other VMware components that often get offered alongside both dedicated and shared vCenter Server-based services are vRealize Operations Manager and vRealize Log Insight.
vRealize Operations Manager delivers intelligent operations management across the physical, virtual, and cloud infrastructure, enabling the VMware Cloud Provider and their tenants to efficiently operate a cloud platform and meet required service level agreements (SLAs). vRealize Operations Manager correlates data from applications to storage in a unified easy-to-use management tool that provides control over performance, capacity, and configuration, with predictive analytics driving proactive policy-based automation.
Like vCenter Server, vRealize Operations Manager can offer a variety of architectural models, depending on the service providers use case. These include:
Shared multitenant environment with tenant and service provider access
Dedicated environment with tenant access
Shared and/or dedicated environment with no tenant access
Figure 22. vRealize Operations Manager Multitenancy Architecture
For more information on integrating vRealize Operation Manager with dedicated or shared vCenter Server services, see the Multitenant Use of vRealize Operations as a Service paper: at
vRealize Log Insight gives service providers and tenant administrators the ability to consolidate logs, monitor, and troubleshoot vSphere and third-party infrastructure, and perform security auditing, compliance testing, log querying, aggregation, correlation, and retention. The vRealize Log Insight virtual appliance includes a syslog server, log consolidation tool, and log analysis tool that will work for any type of device that can send syslog data. vRealize Log Insight administrators can also create custom dashboards based on saved queries that can be exported, shared, and integrated with vCenter Server and vRealize Operations Manager to provide a uniform approach to dashboard monitoring and operational management.
For more information on integrating vRealize Log Insight with dedicated or shared vCenter Server services, see the Architecting a VMware vRealize Log Insight Solution for the VMware Cloud Provider Program paper at