Multitenant Use of vRealize Operations as a Service : vRealize Operations Manager Tenant Customization : 6.2 Group Type and Custom Group Definition : 6.2.2 Group Definition (Environment / Custom Groups)
6.2.2 Group Definition (Environment / Custom Groups)
Within the newly created group type, each tenant requires one group. This does not restrict you from creating additional sub-groups within the tenant. One of the advantages within vRealize Operations Manager is that any object can be linked to any number of groups and hierarchies.
A group within vRealize Operations Manager is a container that can hold any number and type of resources:
Groups can be dynamic or static
Groups can be assigned to policies
Groups can be nested
Figure 11. Group Definition for a New Tenant
When you create one group per tenant, use the same prefix for the group name followed by a customer name or ID. As the group type, select what you created in the previous section. A policy can also be linked to the group, but must pre-exist. Select the Keep group membership up to date check box.
In this example, only virtual machines are included as the object type. Other object types could be added to the same group if the customer has dedicated resources, such as datastores and so on. The dynamic inclusion is done with a Relationship of type Descendant of linked to a folder in the vSphere structure. Select the folder from the drop-down which is displayed after a search term is entered.
You can also add static inclusion or exclusions (for example, for service/management VMs).
Use the Preview function to validate group membership before the group is saved.
Create the same group structure for each tenant/customer.