Architecting a vRealize Operations Management Solution : Integration : 11.3 Integration Between vRealize Operations Manager and vCloud Director SP : 11.3.3 Relationship of Components and Processes
11.3.3 Relationship of Components and Processes
The vRealize Operations Management Pack for vCloud Director serves as the integration layer between vRealize Operations Manager and vCloud Director SP. The component relationship is shown in the following figure.
Figure 9. Components Relationships for Storage Devices for vCloud Director
vRealize Operations Manager uses the Management Pack for vCloud Director to poll for configuration and support data, correlating vApp constructs with vSphere virtual machines.
Installed directly as a plug-in, the vRealize Operations Management Pack for vCloud Director receives requests from vRealize Operations Manager to collect data from vCloud Director SP. The vRealize Operations Management Pack for vCloud Director then makes REST API calls (through an authenticated HTTPS connection) to vCloud Director SP on behalf of vRealize Operations Manager.