4. Automated Import of Virtual Machines to vCloud Director : 4.9 Workflow: Add external network and org VDC network : 4.9.2 Workflow Steps
4.9.2 Workflow Steps
1. Set the inputs for the library workflows such as vCloud Director host, network names and descriptions, and set whether the network is port group-based.
2. Invoke a user interaction with the following inputs:
*External network name and description (default name and description provided, names can be edited).
*External network specification including:
*Network mask (mandatory).
*Default gateway (mandatory).
*Primary DNS.
*Secondary DNS.
*DNS suffix.
*Address pool for static IP allocation (mandatory).
*Organization virtual datacenter network:
*Share this network with other virtual datacenters.
3. Run the Add an External Network workflow from the library.
4. Run the Add an Organization VDC Network workflow from the library.
User interaction is needed because some of the parameters, such as the IP address pool, cannot be determined automatically.