2. Auto-Scaling and Cloud Bursting : 2.6 Autoscaling and Bursting a vApp : 2.6.2 Input Parameters and Workflow Outline
2.6.2 Input Parameters and Workflow Outline
The Workflow input parameters are:
*The vApp name.
*The current connection’s minimum threshold.
*The current connection’s maximum threshold. Workflow Steps
1. Get scaling configuration.
2. Get matching pool and member statistics for each burst virtual datacenter.
3. If more members are above the maximum current connections, start the Upscale and burst workflow, specifying the virtual datacenter in which to upscale.
4. If more members fall below the current connections, start the Downscale and unburst workflow, specifying the virtual datacenter in which to downscale.
NoteThis workflow was tested on virtual datacenters in the United States and Europe. The global load balancer was configured to use the closest datacenter to the end user, and it successfully added resources where needed.
Polling periodically for the number of current sessions might be a good key performance indicator (KPI) or not, depending on the application and its usage. If the sessions are maintained for a long time, then it may be appropriate. If this number can increase and decrease dramatically during each period, then it might not.