2. Auto-Scaling and Cloud Bursting : 2.4 The Upscaling and Bursting Process : 2.4.9 The Error Handling Section
2.4.9 The Error Handling Section
If adding a member to the pool fails, the remedy is to undo the changes:
*If the vApp was deployed (powered on), undeploy it.
*If the vApp was instantiated, delete the vApp, and raise an exception.
*If a virtual machine was added to an existing vApp, undeploy it, delete the virtual machine, and raise an exception. Logs
Error : "Failed to add members to the load balancer" and the error coming from the add members to plug-in workflow or the underlying F5 iControl plug-in.
Information : "Undeployed vApp [vApp name]
Information : "Deleting VM [virtual machine name] "
Information : "Undeployed vApp [vApp name] and deleting it !"
Figure 7. Workflow Schema: Error Handling