2. Auto-Scaling and Cloud Bursting : 2.3 Configuration : 2.3.3 Auto-Scaling and Bursting Configuration
2.3.3 Auto-Scaling and Bursting Configuration
The configuration workflows are located in the in the Install – Config folder in the
PSO/vCloud Director Auto scaling and bursting/ directory. Run the workflows in the following order:
1. First Configuration.
2. Initialize vCD vApp Autoscaling Perspective.
3. Set vApp Autoscaling and bursting settings.
The First Configuration workflow configures:
*The load balancer vendorThe upscale and downscale workflows are designed to be configured workflows for different vendors to perform the required operations on the load balancers. At this date the out-of-the-box workflows are shipped with the F5 Networks workflows. These workflows are located in the vendor-specific folder as shown above. It is possible to implement workflows providing the same functionality for other vendors.
*The vApp Template Download Path – The path on the vCenter Orchestrator server where vApp Templates are downloaded for transfer from one virtual datacenter to another in a different organization. This path must have enough disk space available. Note that there is no policy set up to clean the downloaded files. This can be implemented as a separate workflow or external process. The transfer process takes advantage of already-downloaded files and upload them directly to save a download over the WAN.
The Initialize vCD vApp Autoscaling Perspective workflow configures the Perspective Web user interface to grant access permissions to the configuration workflows for a directory service group. It is not mandatory to use perspectives. Perspectives functionality is replaced by the use of the vCenter Orchestrator 5.1 or the vSphere Web Client 5.1.
The Set vApp Autoscaling and bursting settings workflow creates a new scaling configuration or modifies an existing one and prepares the infrastructure.
Before it can be scaled automatically, a new vApp scaling configuration must be set up with auto-scaling and bursting configuration parameters, as shown in the following table.
Table 1. Workflow Inputs: Set vApp Autoscaling and Bursting Settings
Workflow Parameter
The base vApp to be used for scaling. This parameter is valid for new configurations only.
The number of tiers in this vApp.
For each tier: Tier VM.
The virtual machine for this tier, that is, the virtual machine that provides the HTTP server.
For each tier: Minimum instances.
The minimum number of instances of this virtual machine. Used when instantiating a new vApp or when downscaling a vApp.
For each tier: Maximum instances.
The maximum number of instances of this virtual machine. Used when upscaling a vApp.
For tier 1 only: Ports to make available in the load balancer.
The ports to be added for each member of the pool.
The number of virtual datacenters to burst to.
VDC 1 to 5.
The virtual datacenters where new vApp is instantiated.
Catalog 1 to 5.
The catalog where the vApp Template is placed to allow for new vApp instantiations. At this point, it is necessary to have one catalog per virtual datacenter.
Load balancer pool 1 to 5.
The load balancer pool to add and remove members.
vApp Template Transfer Options
Transfer vApp Templates.
Download, upload, and instantiate the vApp Templates to virtual datacenter in different organizations.
vApp Template Source.
Optional parameter that specifies the vApp Template used as source during the copy to optimize transfer performance.