Appendix C: Capacity Planning : Network Capacity Planning
Network Capacity Planning
A vCloud also brings network capacity planning to the forefront. Providers must consider IP address, VLAN, and ephemeral port capacity. The following table describes what must be managed from a capacity perspective and its impact.
Table 10. Network Capacity Planning Items
Item to Manage
IP addresses
*Available IP addresses to be assigned in support of a dedicated external network for an organization, such as for Internet access or hardware-based firewall rules.
*Need to track IP addresses assigned to specific organizations to determine what is available for a shared external organization network.
*VLANs available for VLAN-backed pool assignment, if required.
*VLANs available for vCloud Director Network Isolation transport networks, one per vCloud Director Network Isolation pool.
Expandable static port bindings
*Default vCloud Director network pool type.
*Overall number of static ports expands in increments of ten as needed. Unused but allocated static port bindings do not increase the total number of static port bindings available.