3. Process Maturity for vCloud Operations : 3.2 Process Maturity Scale Specific to VMware
3.2 Process Maturity Scale Specific to VMware
The following figure shows the process maturity scale based on VMware vCloud. Organizations move from left to right on this scale over time, with the final goal of delivering IT as a Service (ITaaS) within a vCloud.
Figure 5. vCloud Process Maturity Scale
The following table describes the process maturity scale states.
Table 1. Process Maturity Scale Legend
Maturity Level
Level 1
Basic operational processes and tools are adapted for core virtualization but not for vCloud computing. Processes objectives are defined, but activities are performed manually.
Level 2
Limited operational processes and tools are adapted for vCloud computing. Processes objectives are documented, and organization roles and responsibilities are defined. There is limited, automated integration with existing IT processes (change, configuration, others).
Service Broker
Level 3
Complete operational control is established over processes and tools, and a vCloud COE is in place. The organization is more service-driven and offers services directly to business users through a service catalog. Operational processes are service-focused and proactive. Service, design, and development procedures are clearly defined.
Business Automation
Level 4
Automated process management policies and operational controls are in place. Organization focus moves toward business agility—critical business services are offered through the vCloud with complete operational control. Detailed measurements and metrics are automatically collected and available for consumption. An expanded COE is established to support vCloud operations.
Strategic Partner
Level 5
Operational control is automated and policy-driven. Automated self-healing operations remediate errors and maintain quality of service. All processes are integrated, and the organization can consistently achieve ITaaS objectives and satisfy business demands.