4. Networking Examples : 4.4 Public vCloud External Network : 4.4.2 Example
4.4.2 Example
In this external network example, the service provider uses existing network automation software to dynamically provision the vSphere and corresponding vCloud Director networks. The service provider uses an automation platform to dynamically automate the following tasks during customer onboarding:
*Provision a vSphere port group on the dvSwitch for each customer.
*Assign an appropriate VLAN to this port group for each customer.
NoteThe external network can be differentiated through use of a separated physical network or VLAN. If using VLANs, only a single VLAN can be used on the port group.
*Provision a dedicated vCloud Director external network and map it to the port group created in step 1 for each customer.
*Create a direct connect external organization network for each customer.
Figure 9 shows a VLAN configuration that uses 802.1q VLAN trunk ports on the physical switches to the ESXi dvSwitch uplinks. This enables the physical switching infrastructure to allow all the VLANs configured in the infrastructure to communicate to the ESXi hosts while still keeping the VLANs separated and in separate broadcast domains. The dvSwitch delivers the appropriate Ethernet frames to the appropriate port group based on a match of the VLAN tag on the frame and the VLAN associated with the port group. The dvSwitch port groups remove the VLAN tag from the Ethernet frame and deliver it to the appropriate virtual machine. This architecture is commonly referred to as Virtual Switch Tagging (VST).
In the figure, four organizations are shown: two have vApps direct connected to the parent organization network, and two have a vApp network connected to the parent organization network.
Figure 9. Service Provider External Network Example
The vSphere configuration to support this architecture requires separate dvSwitch port groups for each customer and a VLAN provisioned for each. Figure 10 and Figure 11 show four customers configured in this environment.
Figure 10. vSphere Port Group Configuration
Figure 11. vCloud External Networks
Figure 12 and Figure 13 show the network specification for one of the customer vCloud external networks (vcd-ext-101). A network specification represents a subnet and its associated configuration for the external network.
Figure 12. vcd-ext-101 External Network Configuration
Figure 13. Network Specification Properties
In this example, a static IP pool was configured providing a total of 240 IP addresses. vCloud Director allows multiple static IP pools for each external network. These addresses can be used for assignment by vCloud Director to virtual machines or external interfaces of the vCloud Networking and Security Edge devices. The gateway address in this configuration is, which is a logical interface on the Cisco Layer 3 switching infrastructure.