3. Organization Virtual Datacenter Examples : 3.1 Pay As You Go Allocation Model : 3.1.4 Design Implications
3.1.4 Design Implications
Because this allocation model assigns all settings on a per virtual machine basis, any updates to this model require a shutdown and restart of the virtual machines. Based on the selected settings, this could be considered one of the best performing models in terms of guaranteeing the allocated virtual machine resources. This is because each virtual machine is always guaranteed its settings and can go to the root resource pool if needed. Company2 will get 100% of physical memory to all virtual machines, and 50% physical CPU.
Essentially, this model provides unlimited resources within the organization virtual datacenter, so providers must be diligent in capacity planning. Company1 must proactively monitor the provider virtual datacenter for resource availability to make sure that new virtual machines can continue to be deployed and powered on.
The Pay As You Go model also has the capability to leverage elastic provider virtual datacenters. The Pay As You Go model can use this added capacity automatically, and is transparent to the consumer. They can continue to deploy virtual machines as long as there is capacity to meet their requirements.