4. Organization Catalogs : 4.3 Working with Catalogs : 4.3.6 Updating vApp Templates
4.3.6 Updating vApp Templates
A user’s ability to update vApp templates and hardware and network configuration details depends on the permissions delegated to the role associated with the user’s account. For example:
*vApp User – This role does not allow the user to reconfigure vApps or vApp templates. Users cannot modify the compute resource or disk, or view the catalog or existing vApps, unless they are shared with them. The user who owns the vApp can add and remove network interface controllers (NICs) and update the networks to which a vApp is connected.
*vApp Author – This role allows for the provisioning of vApps but does not permit access to published catalogs by default. The user must create virtual machines from scratch unless granted access to the published or shared catalogs. The user can update vApp and virtual machine configurations such as CPU, RAM, and networking.
The effect of these permissions can differ, depending on whether a vApp is shared or owned. For these permissions to apply, the user must own the vApp. When the vApp is shared, the user can be granted Read Only, Read/Write, or Full Control permissions.