7. Orchestration and Extension : 7.2 Cloud Provisioning with vFabric Application Director : 7.2.2 Simplifying vApp Template Management
7.2.2 Simplifying vApp Template Management
To build a multitier vApp, vFabric Application Director uses a blueprint to construct a vCloud vApp that contains multiple virtual machines. Each virtual machine in the vApp can be based on different vApp templates and each virtual machine can be customized by the services selected from the vFabric Application Director catalog.
In the following figure, a three-tier application consisting of a presentation (web) tier, application tier, and database tier is modeled in vFabric Application Director as a blueprint. At deployment time, vFabric Application Director creates a corresponding vApp in the vCloud provider based on the virtual machine templates specified in the blueprint.
Figure 40. Three-Tier Application Modeled in vFabric Application Director