2. Auto-Scaling and Cloud Bursting : 2.5 The Downscaling and Unbursting Process : 2.5.2 Input Parameters and Workflow Outline
2.5.2 Input Parameters and Workflow Outline
The Workflow input parameters are the same as in the Upscale and burst a vApp workflow:
*A mandatory vApp scaling configuration name (the vApp Template name).
*A mandatory tier number to upscale.
*An optional preferred virtual datacenter.
The same wrapper workflows can be used to control the upscale and downscale workflows from the monitoring systems.
By default, the downscaling process downscales the vApps in the order of the burst virtual datacenters that have been defined during the configuration, but it is possible to provide as a parameter the first virtual datacenter in which the downscale should occur. One difference with the upscaling workflow is that vApps are not powered off. In this implementation, they are downscaled or deleted right away, to limit disk space usage. Also, the downscaling process keeps at least one vApp in each burst virtual datacenters to maintain the overall service resiliency.
This workflow is designed so that different sections call one other.