3. Services Automation Tools : 3.3 VMware vCloud Migration Service and Migration Manager Tool : 3.3.1 What is VMware Migration Manager?
3.3.1 What is VMware Migration Manager?
VMware Migration Manager is a web-based application migration management application. It helps to manage the process of physical to virtual migration (P2V), or virtual to virtual migration (V2V) when there are many migrations involved. Migration Manager provides a collaboration platform, a workbench, and a series of dashboards to facilitate end-to-end migration management from initial candidate load to migration workbench and tracking. It also provides a centralized project management workbench with complete control over the migration process as well as comprehensive reporting including migration history and status.
The following high-level diagram illustrates a typical workflow when using Migration Manager for a migration project and the tasks associated with each part of the workflow.
Figure 6. Migration Manager Workflow