2. VMware vCloud Director Server Resource Kit : 2.3 CloudCleaner : 2.3.7 Additional CloudCleaner flags
2.3.7 Additional CloudCleaner flags
CloudCleaner checks a vCenter Server's security certificate the first time it accesses it. In the UI mode, you can choose to ignore invalid certificates. You cannot elect to ignore security certificates in the command-line-mode, so CloudCleaner fails if it accesses a vCenter it has not seen already in UI mode at some point. If you use this flag, CloudCleaner automatically ignores unknown and invalid security certificates.
When run from the UI , CloudCleaner first scans your vCenter instances and then shows you the results. After you are satisfied, the actual cleaning begins. CloudCleaner does two full passes through your vCenter(s) and their entities. When run from the command line, CloudCleaner skips the scan and goes directly to the clean phase, doubling its speed. Though these two modes clean identically, you can pass this flag if you want to emulate CloudCleaner's scan-then-clean behavior.
If you want to test your command-line parameters without actually cleaning your vCenter(s), you can pass this flag. You must also pass the -slowCleanMode=true flag.