1. Overview : 1.1 Audience
1.1 Audience
This document is written for vCloud IT administrators and software developers who are implementing a vCloud computing solution, typically for testing and automating the process of implementing the vCloud software stack. VMware partner consultants who deliver services that employ the use of VMware Services Software Solutions service automation tools should also find it useful.
Administrators should understand how to administer the vCloud Director server and its components, including the following technologies:
*VMware vCenter Serverâ„¢.
*VMware vCloud Directorâ„¢.
*HyperText Markup Language (HTML).
*eXtensible Markup Language (XML).
In addition, administrators and developers should be familiar with vCloud Director and associated products that comprise the vCloud stack. These include supported data repositories and command-line syntax for the particular shell and platform on which the server is installed. Knowledge of the basic vCloud Director architectural concepts needed to successfully design and deploy a vCloud Director architecture and service is also helpful.