7. vCloud Service Control : 7.1 vCloud Service Governance and Lifecycle Management : 7.1.1 Service Portfolio and Catalog Management : vCloud Service Catalog Components vCloud Service Catalog Components
The service catalog for the vCloud supported by VCD offers service components to the end customer, the combination of which constitutes the service as a whole. At a minimum, the service catalog must offer:
*Organization – The container for the customer’s IaaS, with attributes that hold basic, default service configuration information. Typically, only one organization container is purchased per customer.
*Organization virtual datacenters – The boundaries for running the virtual machines within the IaaS service, configured with sizing information based on the customers’ requirements, with an appropriate SLA assigned to them. A minimum of one organization virtual datacenter is required for a customer to offer a service. Additional organization virtual datacenters can be requested if required.
In addition to these core vCloud components, an organization can establish a standard set of offerings within the vCloud service catalog to provide customers with vApps (standardized groupings of preconfigured virtual machines) and media (installable software packages).
In either case, after being accepted into the service portfolio, the service and constituent service offerings should be defined with at least the following components:
*Service description.
*Service requirements.
*Service Level Agreements.
*Support terms and conditions.
*Service lifecycle considerations.
*Projected demand information for capacity planning.
*Pricing and chargeback requirements.
*Compliance requirements (regulatory and otherwise).
*Security requirements.
*Monitoring and other operational requirements.
Including pricing and chargeback, compliance, security, and operational requirements in the service definition is critical as these are core considerations during the service design and development process.