5. Organizing for vCloud Operations : 5.2 vCloud Infrastructure Operations : 5.2.1 vCloud Infrastructure Operations Center of Excellence : vCloud Infrastructure Operations COE Leader vCloud Infrastructure Operations COE Leader
*Provides leadership and guidance to vCloud Infrastructure Operations COE members.
*Has a direct line of communication to the executive sponsor.
*Works with vCloud Tenant Operations regarding the planned vCloud-based service offering portfolio as well as any portfolio changes.
*Is responsible and accountable for making sure that the vCloud infrastructure can support and continue to support the vCloud-based service offerings and service levels.
*Actively promotes awareness of the impact the vCloud infrastructure has on service offering and service level support and delivery.
*Facilitates integration of the vCloud infrastructure into existing, traditional IT operations management processes as needed. For example, Change Management.
*Coordinates and assists with planning Cloud infrastructure initiatives.
*Provides guidance to Change Management for changes related to the vCloud infrastructure. Might authorize low risk, low impact changes to the vCloud infrastructure. Lobbies on behalf of the vCloud Infrastructure Operations COE for preapproved changes.
*Facilitates development and maintenance of vCloud infrastructure capacity forecasts.
*Manages the acquisition and installation of vCloud infrastructure components.
*Maintains management level relationships with the vCloud Infrastructure Operations COE ecosystem teams.
*Is involved in managing vendor relationships for vCloud infrastructure components.
*Is involved in managing provider relationships with external vCloud providers