8. vCloud Management and Monitoring Examples : 8.2 AMQP Messages : 8.2.2 Example
8.2.2 Example
The Enterprise cloud administrator would like to collect all events generated by vCloud Director (VCD) to store them for searching later to support troubleshooting or audit activities within the environment.
A non-blocking messages or notifications configuration consists of the following components:
*vCloud Director cell (message producer)
*AMQP 0.9 or later message bus (message queue)
*AMQP client (message consumer)
The producer (VCD) sends messages to the events queue. The client (consumer) receives messages from the queue.
There are several ways of defining the queue type based on the use case for the messages being delivered. Message queues can be defined as direct, topic, fan out, system, or header.
For information on the exchange types and how to configure binding/routing of messages refer to the RabbitMQ Tutorials (http://www.rabbitmq.com/getstarted.html).