7. vCloud Security Examples : 7.1 Single Sign-On (SSO) – Provider : 7.1.5 SSO and Authenticating with the vCloud API
7.1.5 SSO and Authenticating with the vCloud API
You can use the POST/sessions vCloud API, which accepts security tokens as the request body:
*HTTP-Basic authentication: Logs in using the user name and password to the integrated identity provider for backwards compatibility with vCloud Director 1.5.
*SAML assertion: Verifies that the assertion is trusted.
*Proprietary token: Verifies that the token from the integrated identity provider is valid.
You can use the vCloud API GET /org/{id}/hostedIdentityProvider/token which returns the security token for the integrated identity provider:
*HTTP-Basic authentication logs in using the user name and password.
*Kerberos: Verifies a Kerberos token using Active Directory settings.
You can use the vCloud API GET /org/{id}/identityProviders which returns a list of IdPs federated with vCloud (the currently integrated identity provider and possibly an external identity provider), which can be called anonymously.
You can use the vCloud API GET /org/{id}/saml/authnRequest which returns the signed SAML AuthnRequest.