9. Hybrid vCloud Considerations : 9.1 vCloud Connector Considerations : 9.1.3 vCloud Connector Limitations
9.1.3 vCloud Connector Limitations
The following restrictions apply to vCloud Connector 1.5:
*Currently, there is no way to have predefined vCloud instances display in vCloud Connector. Each user must manually add to vCloud Connector all vCloud instances that they intend to access. There are no vCloud instances defined by default.
*Traffic to and from the vCloud Connector appliance is not WAN optimized, so migrating workloads over WAN links is not ideal even if sufficient bandwidth exists. Avoid traversing WAN links if possible by installing vCloud Connector appliances in optimal locations. Currently, there is no way to limit which vCloud instances can be added to a vCloud Connector instance, so instruct users to only use the appropriate vCloud Connector instance for their needs.
*The transfer process caches virtual machines in two different locations. To facilitate successful transfers, size the vCloud Connector staging storage and vCloud Director transfer storage appropriately. The staging storage is 40GB by default, so the largest virtual machine vCloud Connector can transfer is around 40GB.
*vCloud Connector is designed to give you a consistent view of your workloads across multiple vCloud instances and to migrate those workloads. vCloud Connector cannot perform all of the operations vCloud Director can handle, so use the vCloud Director web console to manage your workloads.
*All workload transfers are cold migrations. Power off vApps and virtual machines prior to migration. Hot migrations are not currently available. Also, the vApp networking configuration needs to be modified before powering on the virtual machines.
*vCloud Connector can handle up to 10 concurrent transfers. Subsequent requests are queued. The maximum number of vCloud connections for a single vCloud Connector is five (VCD or vSphere).
Note: vCloud Connector 1.5 does not support the vCloud 5.1 Suite. vCloud Director 5.1 requires vCloud Connector 2.0 or later.