8. Multi-Site Considerations : 8.1 Scenario #1 – Multi-Site Common User Interface : 8.1.1 Considerations
8.1.1 Considerations
*High bandwidth is not required to allow for the VCD environment to work as desired.
*High bandwidth may be necessary and should be considered when executing actions such as vApp copies from site to site, or virtual machine transfers from VCD cells (or vCenter instances) on one site to VCD cells on another site. So, while latency may be low for the network pipe between sites, high utilization of bandwidth on the network pipe might result in a poor performing environment in certain cases.
*Stretched VLANs, though not required (for vCloud director consumer virtual machine traffic), might be desired in the event that a use case calls for those virtual machines to run on either site and without guest customization.
*Networks – Some use cases can accommodate virtual machines to be customized, so destination network considerations are as important. If virtual machines should not be customized, it is easier to keep like networks on all sites.