5. vCloud Resource Design : 5.8 vApp : 5.8.1 General Design Considerations
5.8.1 General Design Considerations
The following are general design considerations for vApps:
*Default to one vCPU unless requirements call for more (such as a multi-threaded application).
*Always install the latest version of VMware Tools.
*Deploy virtual machines using default shares, reservations, and limits settings unless a clear requirement exists for doing otherwise.
*For virtual network adaptors use VMXNET3, if supported.
*Secure virtual machines as you would physical machines.
*Hardware version 7, 8, and 9 are supported, depending on the vSphere host version backing the hosts in the provider virtual datacenter. Hardware version 9 is supported in vSphere 5.1.
*The virtual machine hardware version should match highest required version within the provider virtual datacenter. The highest version chosen is the highest available with the provider virtual datacenter.
*Use standard virtual machine naming conventions.