5. vCloud Resource Design : 5.5 vCloud Networking : 5.5.5 vApp Networks : Direct Direct
Connecting virtual machines in a vApp directly to an organization virtual datacenter network places vApp virtual machines in the port group of the organization virtual datacenter network. IP address assignments for vApps follow the organization virtual datacenter network IP addressing scheme.
The following figure shows a vApp network directly connected to a direct external organization virtual datacenter network.
Figure 18. vApp Network (Direct) –> Organization Virtual Datacenter Network (Direct)
The following figure shows a vApp network directly connected to a routed external organization virtual datacenter network. vCloud Networking and Security Edge provides DHCP, firewall, NAT, and static routing services to the organization virtual datacenter network.
Figure 19. vApp Network (Direct) –> Organization Virtual Datacenter Network (Routed)

The following figure shows a vApp network directly connected to an isolated organization virtual datacenter network. A vCloud Networking and Security Edge automatically deploys only if using DHCP services.
Figure 20. vApp Network (Direct) –> Organization Virtual Datacenter Network (Isolated)