5. vCloud Resource Design : 5.5 vCloud Networking : 5.5.2 Network Pools : vCloud Network Isolation-Backed Considerations vCloud Network Isolation-Backed Considerations
*Distributed switches are required.
*Increase the MTU size of network devices in the transport VLAN to at least 1600 to accommodate the additional information needed for VCD-NI. This includes all physical switches and vSphere Distributed Switches. Failure to increase the MTU size causes packet fragmentation, negatively affecting network throughput performance of vCloud workloads.
*Specify a VLAN ID for the VCD-NI transport network (this is optional, but recommended for security). If no VLAN ID is specified, it defaults to VLAN 0.
*The maximum number of VCD-NI-backed network pools per vCloud instance is 10.
*vCloud Director automatically creates port groups on distributed switches as needed.